Because my most recent posts have been so far from a highlight reel

I've never played in a sporting grand final. It might be that I wasn't picked for the team. It could be that I made myself unavailable for team sports in the later years of high school to avoid not getting picked. Or perhaps I was picked for the team, but my inability to throw a … Continue reading Because my most recent posts have been so far from a highlight reel

No wonder leaving things to the last minute is so popular

At uni, we used to stay up all night to study before an exam.  My friends and I lived in a farmhouse and if we were 'pulling an all-nighter', we’d make each other instant coffees until we were buzzing and delirious. One night, we got in a car and drove to another farmhouse, turning off … Continue reading No wonder leaving things to the last minute is so popular

Bad mums have a night off to watch Bad Moms

We’ve had a lot of rain in a short amount of time - around three inches in the last week. That’s about 75mm for those of you who went metric 40-odd years ago. So our Facebook feeds started with photos of kids splashing in muddy puddles but have now become filled with warnings of severe … Continue reading Bad mums have a night off to watch Bad Moms

For all those who are wondering how my novel is going

'If this jigsaw was easy, it wouldn’t be any fun. Because it’s a challenge, we feel really proud when we finish it.' 'Doing magic tricks isn’t easy. If it was, we’d all be magicians.' These are the types of things you’d hear if you were a fly on our lounge room wall. On Friday, I … Continue reading For all those who are wondering how my novel is going

So quiet at this time of year. Not much on at all. Said no-one ever.

In one of the writing courses I did last month, I learned that there are two types of writers: plotters and pantsers. Plotters plot out their story before they start. They probably have an outline for the book, detailing the twists and turns so that they know what happens before they even write the first sentence. … Continue reading So quiet at this time of year. Not much on at all. Said no-one ever.

Talking about things isn’t actually getting them done

An ex-boyfriend once accused me of tiring of things quickly. ‘You get sick of cutting your fingernails,’ he said. ‘And there are only ten of them.’ (He was right in a way, I did get tired of him quickly.) I thanked him very much. It was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said … Continue reading Talking about things isn’t actually getting them done