Make yourself a cuppa and follow this link

Jimeion once had me laughing hysterically about making a cup of tea, for the same reason that Seinfeld was a great show – ‘the show about nothing’.

‘Share a blog that you enjoy reading’ is today’s prompt in Clairey Hewitt‘s I’m Blogging Every Day in May!

I don’t follow any blogs or think to read any blogs regularly. But I do remember a couple of particular blog posts that I laughed out loud at, and it’s because of the every-day nature of the topic.


One was a post about commuting on public transport by London blogger, Becky Mayhew, who writes over at Becky Says Things. Her posts are always hilariously illustrated throughout with stick figure drawings. Go on, take a minute and read a post or two.

And coincidentally, another blog made funny with simple illustrations by the author, Amber Dusick’s Illustrated With Crappy Pictures™. One of the posts I enjoyed was about the germs on the books and toys in the waiting room at the doctor’s.

Do you have a blog that you love to read?

8 thoughts on “Make yourself a cuppa and follow this link

  1. SOmetimes I arrive at a blog, laugh and laugh and then forget to return for a few weeks and can never remember where I was when I read that funny blog.

    You have done well to recall two…or maybe your memory is just not as bad as mine.


    1. Isn’t that strange? I do that too. And I think, ‘This blog is amazing. I’ll definitely remember this one.’ And don’t. To be honest, the same thing used to happen with baby names. ‘Oh yes, that’s definitely it! I love that name. So much that I don’t even have to write it on my list; I don’t need the list anymore. This will be the name of our baby.’ Then a few weeks later, what was it again?


  2. Well of course “The Bear & The Whale” is at the top of my list!!! And for that same reason “viewpoints of everyday things – especially in the world of motherhood”!! Seriously, no offence to all those thousands (millions) of other bloggers out there, in my opinion yours is the best reading – for me anyway. Keep it up Larissa!!!


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